Sunday, August 19, 2012

FREE Oral B Electric Toothbrush with Orthondic Treatment before August 31st


Katy, Texas Orthodontics

Straight teeth not only look great, but also help keep your teeth healthy. Dr. Estler provides orthodontic care to children and adults regardless of age. Flexible scheduling and expanded office hours mean you can schedule your orthodontic treatments after work or school for your convenience. 

Speedbraces - The Speedbraces technique straightens your teeth in about half the time of more traditional braces. Dr. Estler uses specially designed brackets that exert gentle, consistent pressure to quickly aligning your teeth.

Clear Brackets - If you don't want metal brackets and would prefer a less noticeable approach to straightening your teeth, Dr. Estler offers clear brackets. These ceramic brackets are almost invisable and offer a great alternative for anyone that has concerns with the look of metal brackets.

Invisable Braces - If wearing brackets is not for you, Dr. Estler also offers E-Aligners; clear trays that straighten the teeth without brackets.

Not sure if Orthodontic Treatment is right for you?  Our consultations with Dr. Estler are no cost to you. 

Fill out our easy contact form to schedule an appointment or call our office at 281-579-7222. We hope to meet you soon.

Dental Sealants - Buy One Get One FREE


Katy Family Dentist Dr. Carl Estler's Services

With over twenty years of experience, Katy, Texas family dentist Dr. Estler takes great pride in his approach to cosmetic dentistry and dental care. Because the condition and appearance of your teeth and gums can have a profound impact on your physical health and emotional well-being, Dr. Estler performs every procedure with precision and treats every patient with dignity and respect.

Wedding Party Special - Free Dental Whitening for Bride with purchase of whitening for bridal party @ 50% Off


Dr. Estler offers a complete selection of Katy cosmetic dentistry solutions for the most attractive smile possible, so you can "smile like the stars."

• Dental Whitening - This simple procedure uses a light-activated dental gel to quickly whiten your teeth up to ten shades brighter. You can relax while the gel does its work, usually in less than an hour. If you prefer, Dr. Estler can provide you with custom trays and a whitening gel to use at home. This home whitening gel is more concentrated than gels found in stores, but is safe and won't harm even sensitive teeth.

Professional Dental Whitening in Katy, Houston, Sugarland and Cypress


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How Often Should Your Teeth Be X-rayed?

Dental X-Rays
Teeth and bone are very dense, so they absorb X-rays, but gums and cheeks are much less dense, so X-rays pass through more easily. That's why cheeks and gums appear dark and without detail on the x-ray film, but teeth show up much lighter. And fillings, which are even denser than bone, will show up as a solid, bright white area. Dental caries (cavities) will show up on an X-ray as a darker patch in a light tooth.
Dental X-ray images are among the most valuable tools a dentist has for keeping your mouth and teeth healthy. By understanding what the structures of the mouth look like normally on an X-ray film, dentists can diagnose problems in the teeth and jaws.
Radiographs can:
  • Show areas of decay that your dentist may not be able to see with just a visual examination, such as tiny pits of decay that might occur between teeth
  • Find decay that is developing underneath an existing filling
  • Find cracks or other damage in an existing filling
  • Alert the dentist to possible bone loss associated with periodontal (gum) disease
  • Reveal problems in the root canal such as infection or death of the nerve.
  • Help your dentist plan, prepare and place tooth implants, orthodontic treatments, dentures or other dental work
  • Reveal other abnormalities such as cysts, cancer and changes associated with metabolic and systemic diseases (such as Paget's disease and lymphoma)
  • For children, radiographs are used to watch for decay and to monitor tooth growth and development. Dentists will use periodic X-rays to see whether a space in the mouth to fit all the new teeth, whether primary teeth are being lost quickly enough to allow permanent teeth to erupt properly, whether extra (supernumerary) teeth are developing or whether any teeth are impacted (unable to emerge through the gums). Often, major problems can be prevented by catching small developmental problems early and then making accommodations.
How Often Should Your Teeth Be X-rayed?
Even though no X-ray can be considered routine, many people require X-rays on a regular basis so that their dental condition can be monitored. Exactly how often this happens will depend on your medical and dental history and current condition.
Who needs more frequent or regular radiographs? They include:
  • Children - Children need X-rays every six months because they are highly likely to develop decay. X-rays also help monitor tooth development.
  • Adults with extensive restoration work, including fillings - All the conditions that helped create the caries to begin with continue, making it necessary to check for decay beneath existing fillings or in new locations.
  • Anyone who drinks sugary sodas, chocolate milk or coffee or tea with sugar - Even mildly sugary beverages create an environment in the mouth that's perfect for decay, so anyone who drinks these beverages regularly will need to have more regular X-rays.
  • People with periodontal (gum) disease - Periodontal treatments may need to be stepped up if there are significant or continuing signs of bone loss.
  • People who are taking medications that lead to dry mouth, also called xerostomia – Saliva helps keep the acid levels (pH) in the mouth stable. In a dry mouth, the pH decreases, causing the minerals in the teeth to break down, leaving them prone to caries. Medications that can decrease saliva are those prescribed for hypertension, antidepressants, antianxiety drugs, antihistamines, diuretics, narcotics, anticonvulsants and anticholinergics.
  • People who have dry mouth because of disease, such as Sjögren's syndrome, or because of medical treatments that damaged the salivary glands, such as radiation to the head and neck for cancer treatment.
  • Smokers, because smoking increases the risk of gum disease and oral cancer.
  • For More Information contact Dr Carl Estler 281-579-7222

Friday, August 10, 2012

TMJ Treatment by Dr Carl Estler

TMJ / TMD Treatment by Dr Carl Estler 910 South Fry Rd Katy TX 77450 281-579-7222

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Free Custom Athletic Mouth Guard


Katy Family Dentist Dr. Carl Estler's Services

With over twenty years of experience, Katy, Texas family dentist Dr. Estler takes great pride in his approach to cosmetic dentistry and dental care. Because the condition and appearance of your teeth and gums can have a profound impact on your physical health and emotional well-being, Dr. Estler performs every procedure with precision and treats every patient with dignity and respect.

Houston TMJ/TMD Treatment

Temporomandibular Joint Therapy focuses on treating the joint that attaches the lower jaw to the temporal bone on each side of the head. This joint is precisely hinged to provide comfortable movement. It also slides back and forth, making it a complex area prone to problems. Symptoms of TMJ or TMD syndrome include frequent headaches, tooth aches, facial pain, neck pain, popping or clicking of the joint, ringing in the ears, recurring earaches, sensitivity to light and a misaligned upper and low jaw.

Misalignment of the teeth is usually the culprit, although trauma to the face can also lead to TMJ problems. In time, clenching and grinding of the teeth can aggravate the problem, leading to a cycle of pain that is difficult to break.

Dr. Estler has developed a three phase approach for treating TMJ in Houston, Texas. Realignment of the joint using custom orthodontic appliances will relieve pressure in the ear canal and on blood vessels and nerves.

Call our office today at 281-579-7222 if you suspect you have TMJ. A no obligation evaluation can be scheduled at your convenience.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Healthy Teeth during Pregnancy

 Healthy Teeth during Pregnancy
Congratulations on this exciting and busy time of your life! You have so much to think about during pregnancy but don't forget about your teeth and gums. It may be easy to overlook your mouth, but all the changing hormone levels that occur with pregnancy can actually make some dental problems worse. Brushing and flossing contributes to your overall health, too, and if your mouth is healthy, it’s more likely that your baby’s mouth will be healthy.
Being pregnant comes with many responsibilities—and oral hygiene is no exception. For most women, routine dental visits are safe during pregnancy, but let your dental office know what month you are in when you make your appointment. If yours is a high-risk pregnancy or you have some other medical condition, your dentist and your physician may recommend that treatment be postponed. Be sure to let your dentist know if there is any change in the medications you take or if you have received any special advice from your physician. The benefits of receiving dental care during pregnancy far outweigh potential risks. Be sure to keep your dentist informed of any changes in your mouth such as swelling, redness or bleeding.
If you are not yet pregnant, but trying to be, schedule a dental checkup. 

Tips for maintaining a healthy mouth during pregnancy:
  • ·         Brush thoroughly with an ADA-accepted fluoride toothpaste twice a day.
  • ·         Floss between your teeth daily.
  • ·         Purchase products that have the ADA Seal of Acceptance.
  • ·         Eat a balanced diet. If you snack, do so in moderation.
  • ·         Visit your dentist regularly for a professional cleaning and check-up.
  • ·         If you need help controlling plaque, your dentist may recommend an antimicrobial mouth rinse. 
  •         If you have morning sickness and are vomiting frequently, try rinsing with a teaspoon of baking soda mixed with water. If possible, avoid tooth brushing directly after vomiting when stomach acids repeatedly come into contact with teeth, the effects of erosion can eventually cause tooth enamel to wear away